The Blog

New Name for the Second New Year

It’s post-Labor Day and by now, pretty much every mom I know has rejoiced that her littles (and bigs) are all back to school – finally!!

September, at least as I know it in a mom’s world, is widely known as the ‘Second New Year.’ It’s a chance for a fresh start and new beginnings. The calendar is not entirely full yet, so there’s open opportunity for possibilities.

With this month well under way now – and new rhythms beginning – it’s the start to a whole new season and there are lots of new leaves to turn over. Literally, and figuratively.

Today I’m sharing with you about something new I’m doing. And in particular, a new brand name and why you might need a new brand name, too.

“What new name are you talking about, Jess?” you might be wondering. I’m so glad you asked.

I’m giving all of my businesses a name facelift – and bringing them all under one umbrella – because after nearly eight years of entrepreneurship, my business finally feels like a true reflection of me.

Let me give you a little backstory.

You may know by now that I (unexpectedly) began my entrepreneurial journey in 2017, and created my first business (a photography and graphic design biz) called JH Creative. I liked that name a lot as it was my initials and it had a nice, professional feel to it.

But knowing it was “just me” wearing all the 17 hats in my business, it still felt funny that I was the owner of this company called something else other than, well, my name.

Plus – I couldn’t ever own the jhcreativedotcom domain as it was already taken. I got creative and came up with an alternative URL that was still too long and came with too many opportunities for misspellings.

Fast forward to 2020, when I launched an entirely new brand called The Purpose Planners. The name, ‘The Purpose Planners’ was (and is) near and dear to my heart. Partially because I launched that brand soon after I (unexpectedly) had my fourth son and I knew he was born with a purpose. But I also wanted that brand name to describe the community itself and the individual person who benefits from using my signature daily goal planner. They simply are the purpose planners.

This brand is still alive and kickin’ today. Yes, I’m still designing planners and lifestyle resources to help you balance both your busy work and family life with joyfulness. The website, blog, and all its free resources are available to you. Plus, I have exciting plans for new things we’ll launch late this fall! 🙂

As this beautiful community of purpose planners has grown, and as I’ve continued to evolve and grow myself, I’m learning to serve my you in new and different ways.

In recent months, I’ve posted more about branding and book launching with you both here and on my social channels like IG and FB . It’s felt like a natural fit as a busy mom, designer & biz owner, and someone who is also working on launching their first published work.

As I’ve connected with many other women authors and creatives, they’ve shared their concerns about trying to “do it all” and it makes me want to all the more passionately share my expertise about personal branding, marketing, and what I’ve been learning as a certified hope*writers coach and certified StoryBrand Guide.

I want to share with you why changing your name can be so powerful, how to know when you might need to change your business name, and some practical steps you can take to begin making that shift today.

The Power of a Name Change: Why Changing Your Business Name Can Breathe New Life into Your Brand and Align It with Who You Truly Are

A brand name is more than just a label; it’s an identity. In the world of business, your name is the first impression, the doorway to your brand’s story. Over time, as you grow and evolve both personally and professionally, you may find that the name you started with no longer resonates with the essence of who you are and what your business represents.

Changing your business name can be a powerful move that breathes new life into your brand. It signals a shift, a renewal, and a fresh start. It gives you the opportunity to align your brand more closely with your current values, mission, and the audience you serve. A name change can also create a stronger emotional connection with your community, showing them that you’re not static; you’re evolving just like they are.

Think of it as a reintroduction, a chance to redefine what you stand for and where you’re headed. It’s like stepping into a new chapter with intention and clarity. When your brand name reflects your authentic self, it becomes more than just a name—it becomes a declaration of who you are and the impact you want to make.

But how do you know when it’s time for a name change?

How to Know When It’s Time: The Signs That It’s Time to Consider a Refresh or Overhaul of Your Brand Name

Here are some signs to look out for to know when you’re ready for a shift:

  • Misalignment with Your Current Values and Mission: If your current name no longer aligns with your core values, mission, or the direction you want your business to go, it might be time for a change. Your name should encapsulate the heart of what you do and why you do it.
  • Shift in Audience or Offerings: Have you pivoted your business to serve a different audience or offer new products and services? If so, your name should reflect this evolution to resonate better with your target market.
  • Confusion or Misinterpretation: If your current name often leads to confusion or misinterpretation about what you do, it could be holding you back. A name change can provide clarity and eliminate any disconnects.
  • Lack of Emotional Connection: Do you feel detached or uninspired by your current name? If it doesn’t spark joy or pride, it’s a signal that it’s not fully representing the brand you’ve built or the one you aspire to be.
  • Desire for a Fresh Start: Sometimes, you simply feel the need for a fresh start. Maybe you’ve outgrown the original name or it no longer feels like a true reflection of your journey. Trust that intuition—it’s guiding you towards something that’s more in alignment with where you are now.

Maybe you’re wondering if this is the next right step for you and your business. But how and where do you get started?

Actionable Steps: Practical Tips on How to Approach a Name Change Without Feeling Overwhelmed

Changing your business name can feel like a daunting task, but with a plan in place, it can be a smooth and exciting transition. (You know I love a good plan!) Here are some practical steps to guide you through the process:

  • Reflect and Research: Start by reflecting on why you want to change your name. What aspects of your current name don’t align with your vision? What message do you want your new name to convey? Research names that resonate with your brand values and mission.
  • Get Clear on Your Brand Identity: Before choosing a new name, revisit your brand identity. What are your core values, mission, and the emotions you want to evoke in your audience? Your new name should align with this identity and be a true reflection of your brand. (If you need some help with this – reach out to me!)
  • Brainstorm and Narrow Down Options: Gather a list of potential names that resonate with you. Consider words that represent your business’s essence, evoke the right emotions, and are memorable. Narrow down your list to a few favorites.
  • Check Availability: Ensure that the name you choose is available for use. Check domain availability, social media handles, and trademark registrations to avoid any legal complications.
  • Test It Out: Share your top choices with trusted friends, family, or even a small focus group from your audience. Get feedback on how the name resonates with them and if it aligns with the message you want to convey.
  • Plan Your Announcement: Create a plan for how you’ll announce the name change to your audience. Share the story behind the change, why it matters, and how it aligns with your vision. Make it an event—a moment to celebrate this new chapter!
  • Update Your Branding Materials: Once you’ve decided on the new name, update your branding materials, website, social media profiles, and any other platforms where your business name appears. Ensure consistency across all channels. (This part can take time, but message me if you need some help!)
  • Give It Time: Remember that change takes time. Allow your audience to adjust to the new name. Be patient and continue to reinforce the new identity through your messaging and content.

By taking these steps, you can approach a name change with confidence and excitement, knowing that it’s a powerful move to align your business with who you truly are and the impact you want to make.

With the recent launch of my new course, Book Launch Blueprint, as well as my membership, and all the other fun ways I love to help busy moms, creatives, and authors who are building a personal brand, it only makes sense to me that everything falls under one roof.

Ready to hear my new brand name? Introducing…

Jess Henning

Yes, plain and simple, and perfectly imperfect, me: Jess Henning.

What does that mean for you? Great question!

It means one website, one digital home where you can discover and connect with ALL. THE. THINGS YOU NEED! In my digital home, there are lots of rooms to check out. You can explore them all below!

Feel free to grab your favorite beverage, snoop around, find a spot that feels comfy and settle in, friend. Welcome. I’m so glad you’re here.


Looking for help in developing your brand story and website design? You can see all my prices and pick the perfect package that fits your needs.


Need a simple 5-stage plan to launch your book with confidence and joy? I’ve got a course for that!


Want one-on-one guidance to help you launch your book? You can book a call with me to get started for free!


Searching for a community of other women authors who are building their brand and want to connect? There’s a membership just for you!


Need an inspirational speaker for your next workshop? Yep, I do speaking engagements too.


Want to sign up for my book launch team for my hope*books collaboration project that’s launching in January? There’s a place for you to do that, too.


Shopping for your next daily goal planner? You can find the link to The Purpose Planners in my new menu, and trust me when I say – you’ve found “the one!”


Looking for lifestyle resources, printables, checklists and guides to help you make the most of your time, hit your goals, and organize your busy schedule so you can do more of what you love? It’s all there – just look for FREEBIES in the main menu. 🙂


And, last but not least, if you’re looking for inspiration, motivation, or practical tips and tricks to help you balance both motherhood and entrepreneurship so you can find freedom, purpose and live with joy, you can find all that and more, right here on the blog.

I hope you love my new home. I hope you find it warm, inviting, and joyful. I dream it to be a place you’ll want to come back to and visit often.

If you want to always get the latest and greatest news, blog updates, and other fun things sent straight to your inbox, simply click here.

There have been so many twists and turns in our journey together. Thank you for sticking around and being part of this community, friend! You are valued and I’m so grateful for you.

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