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I looked at the time on my phone and my heart began to pound. We’d done it again. My oldest slept through his alarm and I knew I’d have to drive him to high school today…for the second time this school year. There goes my morning! Let me back up a bit. We’ve lived in […]
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Today I’m sharing a journal entry I wrote many years ago as a young mom who’s first kiddo was headed off to Kindergarten. That child is now a freshman in high school. Oh. My. Goodness. And next fall, my youngest will be the final one to go into Kinder. It was fun for me to […]
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If you’re subscribed to my newsletter, then you read about how September didn’t quite go the way I’d planned. (Recurring theme around here!) And if you’re having a tad bit of fomo right now – don’t worry. I got you! Here’s a quick recap to bring you up to speed. This past month was a […]
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It’s post-Labor Day and by now, pretty much every mom I know has rejoiced that her littles (and bigs) are all back to school – finally!! September, at least as I know it in a mom’s world, is widely known as the ‘Second New Year.’ It’s a chance for a fresh start and new beginnings. […]
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A rustic cabin deep in the woods. Moss on the rocks. Towering green trees whispering high above your head. Lazy lapping lakes with lily pads and frogs croaking in the evening twilight. Can it get any more magical? This past weekend, I was blessed to get away with a few writer friends for a quiet […]
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…and actually get words on a page! When you tell people you’re an author, they most likely envision you sitting in a cabin deep in the middle-of-wooded-nowhere. A movie-like setting where you’re surrounded by notebooks, papers, and yummy-smelling candles. There’s perfect peace and quiet, except for the clickety clack of a vintage typewriter as your […]
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Have you ever found yourself going down one path in your life, only to realize that a different way is calling your name? As a multi-passionate entrepreneur, this is something I’ve struggled with many times. Maybe things were going smoothly and suddenly you feel called to do something different. Maybe you’ve struggled along to grow […]
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Something unexpected happened this past week (go figure!) when I received an email informing me that the summer camp I had enrolled my littlest one in for the entire summer was completely full and they no longer had a spot for him. No waitlist, nothing. I was counting on him being there – E.V.E.R.Y. D.A.Y. […]
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Feeling like a busy bee these days? I mean, it’s May. It comes around like Christmas – once a year, every year. Yet somehow… I never see it coming. And every year, as a mom of school-aged kiddos, I expect it to be manageable, but inevitably it’s full of numerous events: permission slips due, field […]
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“I want to work with first-time authors to help them build their brand,” I said to a friend several days ago. There…I said it. It’s out in the open, and that makes it feel real. And real scary. It’s so scary because I feel completely unsure of myself. Imposter syndrome kicks in, and I think, […]