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If you’re subscribed to my newsletter, then you read about how September didn’t quite go the way I’d planned. (Recurring theme around here!) And if you’re having a tad bit of fomo right now – don’t worry. I got you! Here’s a quick recap to bring you up to speed. This past month was a […]

Falling Into Grace

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…and actually get words on a page! When you tell people you’re an author, they most likely envision you sitting in a cabin deep in the middle-of-wooded-nowhere. A movie-like setting where you’re surrounded by notebooks, papers, and yummy-smelling candles. There’s perfect peace and quiet, except for the clickety clack of a vintage typewriter as your […]

How to Plan a Writer's Retreat - a cabin in the woods

How to Plan a Writer’s Retreat…

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Note: The following post is an excerpt from the introduction of my forthcoming book, “Unraveled: Finding Joy When Your Plans Come Undone.” Like many couples of our generation, we had debt. But not just “normal” consumer debt like cars and credit cards (which we had) but we also had a massive mountain—a mortgage worth of […]

Starting to Unravel: Part II

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Note: The following post is an excerpt from the introduction of my forthcoming book, “Unraveled: Finding Joy When Your Plans Come Undone.” I paced across my bathroom floor. I turned; I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror. I paced again. I locked the door so my five-year-old couldn’t come in. I couldn’t believe it. […]

Our family of five announcing we were going to have a "bonus fry"

Starting to Unravel: Part I