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Feeling like a busy bee these days? I mean, it’s May. It comes around like Christmas – once a year, every year. Yet somehow… I never see it coming. And every year, as a mom of school-aged kiddos, I expect it to be manageable, but inevitably it’s full of numerous events: permission slips due, field […]

Overcome busy bee syndrome with one simple way to organize your week.

Beat Busy Bee Hustle & Bustle

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“I want to work with first-time authors to help them build their brand,” I said to a friend several days ago. There…I said it. It’s out in the open, and that makes it feel real. And real scary. It’s so scary because I feel completely unsure of myself. Imposter syndrome kicks in, and I think, […]

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Nervous to Niche Down

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I sat in my boss’s office. My eyes were stinging from the tears I was holding back. “Jess, the client is not renewing our contract. I’m sorry, but I don’t have another big project to assign you to. We’re going to have to let you go.” Gut punch. I didn’t see that coming. Turns out […]

Find joy in the messy middle

The Best Decision I Never Made

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As moms and creative entrepreneurs, we’re in a constant battle between hustle culture and our desire to be intentional. We want to spend our time with the people that matter to us, and the work that ignites our passion and purpose. We inevitably feel the weight of overwhelm from being pulled in a million directions. […]

The Constant Battle: What's Worth Fighting For?

The Constant Battle: What’s Worth Fighting For?