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Something unexpected happened this past week (go figure!) when I received an email informing me that the summer camp I had enrolled my littlest one in for the entire summer was completely full and they no longer had a spot for him. No waitlist, nothing. I was counting on him being there – E.V.E.R.Y. D.A.Y. […]

My (Unplanned) Summer Sabbath

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Note: The following post is an excerpt from the introduction of my forthcoming book, “Unraveled: Finding Joy When Your Plans Come Undone.” Like many couples of our generation, we had debt. But not just “normal” consumer debt like cars and credit cards (which we had) but we also had a massive mountain—a mortgage worth of […]

Starting to Unravel: Part II

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Note: The following post is an excerpt from the introduction of my forthcoming book, “Unraveled: Finding Joy When Your Plans Come Undone.” I paced across my bathroom floor. I turned; I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror. I paced again. I locked the door so my five-year-old couldn’t come in. I couldn’t believe it. […]

Our family of five announcing we were going to have a "bonus fry"

Starting to Unravel: Part I

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I’ll never forget the smell of carrots. I stood at our kitchen counter in front of the juicer. I flipped the switch to hear the loud humming from the cream-colored machine. I grabbed a one-pound bag of full-size carrots out of the fridge. Chop! I cut the ends of 4 large carrots all at once […]

How to Build a Habit That Sticks

How to Build a Habit That Sticks

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If you click on my affiliate links, I am going to receive a tiny commission. AND… Most of the time, you will receive an offer. It’s a win-win! The products that I share about are the ones I believe in. A few weeks ago, late one night, I found myself missing my mom. The pain […]

Discover joy in community!

Three Ways to Find Joy in Community

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Note: The following post is an excerpt from the preface of my forthcoming book, Unraveled: Finding joy when your plans come undone. Saturday I was a mess. Sunday I was the fun mom. And at the end of the day, my six-year-old (Number 3 as we like to call him) said, “I had a decent […]

Finding joy in the messy middle

Finding Joy in the Messy Middle

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Here’s where I am today – I’m in my robe and pj’s. I’m not entirely sure what day it is, and I’ve lost track of how many days it’s been since I last showered (TMI?). I have had three sick kiddos home with me all last week and the littlest one is still home with […]

The 3 Lies You’ve Got to Quit in 2024 (and the truth to tell yourself instead)

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This week has not been my week. Has that ever happened to you? Your kids are acting like little maniacs. You have a tiff with your spouse. You have a hard conversation with your sister. You get a not-so-great report from your child’s teacher. Plus you forgot to post (AGAIN) on your social media account. […]

Stop being busy and start living your best!

Stop Being Busy and Start Living Your Best!

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I want to tell you about a time that I smashed my phone, willingly.  One morning, years ago, I dropped my then 3-yo off at preschool, and he was throwing (yet another) fit. My cheeks burned with embarrassment at his outburst in front of his teachers. He was sobbing, dragging his feet, flailing his little […]

How to truly discover life balance

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Modern-day working moms have been summed up perfectly in Amy Westervelt’s book Forget “Having it All” where she says, “We expect women to work like they don’t have children, and raise children as if they don’t work.” The working moms of the world today have the overwhelming pressure to be everything for everyone, while battling […]

Modern Day Working Mom

“Unraveled” Book Summary