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If you’ve been following my stories on Instagram – then you know recently we’ve been doing a #30daychallenge. Back in mid March, I put out the challenge to build a new healthy habit for 30 days. If you joined me from the beginning, then congrats on making it to 30 days! It’s been a journey! And the […]

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How You Can 10X Your Habits

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I’ll never forget the smell of carrots. I stood at our kitchen counter in front of the juicer. I flipped the switch to hear the loud humming from the cream-colored machine. I grabbed a one-pound bag of full-size carrots out of the fridge. Chop! I cut the ends of 4 large carrots all at once […]

How to Build a Habit That Sticks

How to Build a Habit That Sticks

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Yesterday was my birthday! And do you know what I wanted to do most on my birthday? Take a wild guess….no that’s okay, I’ll wait. Just guess! A shower. Yep. That’s it. A nice, long, super hot shower. No interruptions. No one knocking at the door needing my help. No one screaming outside the door […]

Learn how to 10x your momentum with your goals!

10X Your Momentum with Goals that Inspire You

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I want to tell you about a time that I smashed my phone, willingly.  One morning, years ago, I dropped my then 3-yo off at preschool, and he was throwing (yet another) fit. My cheeks burned with embarrassment at his outburst in front of his teachers. He was sobbing, dragging his feet, flailing his little […]

How to truly discover life balance

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I absolutely LOVE this time of year. Truly, I live for it. First of all, shameless plug – January is my jam because it’s my birthday month. (Yes, I celebrate pretty much all month long. Don’t you?!) I also love it because after the holidays have worn out their welcome, there’s something special and sparkly […]

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Why it’s time to quit your New Year’s resolutions

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Well, hi there! Can I just say, I’m so glad you’re here! Welcome to this space. I hope you feel at home and at ease. I thought I’d take a moment to introduce myself. After all, that’s how most great friendships start, right? With a beginning. So let’s dive in! My name is Jessica Henning, […]

Jess Henning - mom and multi-passionate entrepreneur

Hi there! I’m Jess.