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I looked at the time on my phone and my heart began to pound. We’d done it again. My oldest slept through his alarm and I knew I’d have to drive him to high school today…for the second time this school year. There goes my morning! Let me back up a bit. We’ve lived in […]

The morning routine that will change your life!

Start Your Day With Purpose: The morning routine that will change your life

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If you’re subscribed to my newsletter, then you read about how September didn’t quite go the way I’d planned. (Recurring theme around here!) And if you’re having a tad bit of fomo right now – don’t worry. I got you! Here’s a quick recap to bring you up to speed. This past month was a […]

Falling Into Grace

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Have you ever found yourself going down one path in your life, only to realize that a different way is calling your name? As a multi-passionate entrepreneur, this is something I’ve struggled with many times. Maybe things were going smoothly and suddenly you feel called to do something different. Maybe you’ve struggled along to grow […]

Jess Henning What to do when you reach a fork in the road

When You Reach a Fork in the Road

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As moms and creative entrepreneurs, we’re in a constant battle between hustle culture and our desire to be intentional. We want to spend our time with the people that matter to us, and the work that ignites our passion and purpose. We inevitably feel the weight of overwhelm from being pulled in a million directions. […]

The Constant Battle: What's Worth Fighting For?

The Constant Battle: What’s Worth Fighting For?

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Note: The following post is an excerpt from the introduction of my forthcoming book, “Unraveled: Finding Joy When Your Plans Come Undone.” I paced across my bathroom floor. I turned; I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror. I paced again. I locked the door so my five-year-old couldn’t come in. I couldn’t believe it. […]

Our family of five announcing we were going to have a "bonus fry"

Starting to Unravel: Part I

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I’ll never forget the smell of carrots. I stood at our kitchen counter in front of the juicer. I flipped the switch to hear the loud humming from the cream-colored machine. I grabbed a one-pound bag of full-size carrots out of the fridge. Chop! I cut the ends of 4 large carrots all at once […]

How to Build a Habit That Sticks

How to Build a Habit That Sticks