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Something unexpected happened this past week (go figure!) when I received an email informing me that the summer camp I had enrolled my littlest one in for the entire summer was completely full and they no longer had a spot for him. No waitlist, nothing. I was counting on him being there – E.V.E.R.Y. D.A.Y. […]

My (Unplanned) Summer Sabbath

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Feeling like a busy bee these days? I mean, it’s May. It comes around like Christmas – once a year, every year. Yet somehow… I never see it coming. And every year, as a mom of school-aged kiddos, I expect it to be manageable, but inevitably it’s full of numerous events: permission slips due, field […]

Overcome busy bee syndrome with one simple way to organize your week.

Beat Busy Bee Hustle & Bustle

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As moms and creative entrepreneurs, we’re in a constant battle between hustle culture and our desire to be intentional. We want to spend our time with the people that matter to us, and the work that ignites our passion and purpose. We inevitably feel the weight of overwhelm from being pulled in a million directions. […]

The Constant Battle: What's Worth Fighting For?

The Constant Battle: What’s Worth Fighting For?

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Can we talk about mom-guilt for a quick minute? I know it’s not a fun topic – but it feels all too important to NOT talk about it. We’re entering a new season of spring which usually means a fully loaded schedule all around. But really it seems that no matter what time of year […]

How to Get over Mom Guilt

How to Get Over the Mom-Guilt

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Note: The following post is an excerpt from the preface of my forthcoming book, Unraveled: Finding joy when your plans come undone. Saturday I was a mess. Sunday I was the fun mom. And at the end of the day, my six-year-old (Number 3 as we like to call him) said, “I had a decent […]

Finding joy in the messy middle

Finding Joy in the Messy Middle

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Here’s where I am today – I’m in my robe and pj’s. I’m not entirely sure what day it is, and I’ve lost track of how many days it’s been since I last showered (TMI?). I have had three sick kiddos home with me all last week and the littlest one is still home with […]

The 3 Lies You’ve Got to Quit in 2024 (and the truth to tell yourself instead)

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In January of 2018, before I found out we were (surprise) pregnant with our fourth son, I decided I would work out every day for a month. At the time, I didn’t know too much about building good habits, but I believed that if you did something every day for 21 days, you’ll build a […]

My top five habits that keep me balanced.

My Top Five Daily Habits That Keep Me Feeling Balanced

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This week has not been my week. Has that ever happened to you? Your kids are acting like little maniacs. You have a tiff with your spouse. You have a hard conversation with your sister. You get a not-so-great report from your child’s teacher. Plus you forgot to post (AGAIN) on your social media account. […]

Stop being busy and start living your best!

Stop Being Busy and Start Living Your Best!

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I want to tell you about a time that I smashed my phone, willingly.  One morning, years ago, I dropped my then 3-yo off at preschool, and he was throwing (yet another) fit. My cheeks burned with embarrassment at his outburst in front of his teachers. He was sobbing, dragging his feet, flailing his little […]

How to truly discover life balance

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Well, hi there! Can I just say, I’m so glad you’re here! Welcome to this space. I hope you feel at home and at ease. I thought I’d take a moment to introduce myself. After all, that’s how most great friendships start, right? With a beginning. So let’s dive in! My name is Jessica Henning, […]

Jess Henning - mom and multi-passionate entrepreneur

Hi there! I’m Jess.